BSc. (Hons.) MSc. Psych, NLP Practitioner
Somatic Aroma Energy Psychology
Holistic Healing Arts & Mental Wellness
Certified Raindrop Technique - Energetics Practitioner
Network Marketing Entrepreneur & Brand Partner
with Young Living Essential Oils
Angelika (Geli) is a Holistic Coach for Whole Person Functional Wellness, and Holistic Mental Wellbeing.

Whilst Geli's approach is inclusive of all individuals, regardless of their background, to bring their whole selves (and all their identities), she  is particularly interested in helping her older Sisters in all matters Mental and Brain Wellness! Cognitive health is increasingly recognised as a key component of overall health and wellness.

            As we are getting older in an often unforgiving and increasingly harsh world around us, it is easy loose our joie-de-vivre.  More than ever it is required of us to further develop our Emotional Intelligence, positive joyful resilience
and our Spiritual Intelligence with Mindful Living to not only survive but also to Thrive and Flourish, and take back our life we deeply desire and meant to live without the effects of the wounds of the past. 

Whilst we grow in our personal evolution for a happier and healthier life, together with expanding our conscious awareness within the mind body spirit realm, it is also time to rise in our financial sovereignty powerfully and gracious fully aligned with our divine purpose. 

Here is a fun throwback picture to the year 2000 when Angelika (Geli) trained with Dr. Richard Bandler, co-creator of NLP, also known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming, here in London.

Geli’s orientation is based on the disciplines of  “Positive Psychology” and “Energy Psychology” with NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping - Aroma EFT Tapping, and various other holistic healing arts.

EFT is a clinically proven mind-body modality, energy healing, metaphysics, spirituality, rather than “Clinical Psychology”. 

It's thrilling to see modern science back up what Eastern medicine has known and used for 5,000 years. These are just a few examples of studies that have proven the efficacy of Tapping:
  • Studies by the Harvard Medical School revealed that Tapping can drastically reduce or eliminate stress in the amydgala.
  • Dr. Dawson Church, one of the world’s leading experts on energy psychology, conducted a study where the cortisol levels were measured on participants after one hour of Tapping. The results showed a reduction of 24%-50% in cortisol levels—compared to the control group who experienced a nearly insignificant reduction!
  • A study from Energy Psychology Journal confirmed that the benefits from EFT are the result of the Tapping process and not a placebo effect. “Tapping on acupoints, combined with the vocalization of self-affirming statements, appears to be an active ingredient in EFT rather than an inert placebo. The results were consistent with other published reports demonstrating EFTs efficacy for addressing psychological conditions in students.”
  • Countless anecdotal evidence, like this story by Serina Deen, an Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry who experienced a powerful session that turned her into a believer. “It’s non-invasive, rapid-acting, can be self-administered, and I did feel the benefits myself, firsthand.”
(Want to see even more evidence? Visit EFT Universe for more than 100 papers published in peer-reviewed professional journals.)

Geli is also an Essential Oils educator and certified Raindrop Technique practitioner, coming from a family lineage of botanical science and pharmacy. 

What she is offering to this community are personal coaching, coaching programs, master classes, masterminds and community on a variety of subjects.

Allow me to share a bit from my life, now in London, UK.

So, yes, I was born and raised in Germany into a family of scientists. My mother was a senior clinical pharmacist, and my father Dr. Max Heimann, was a phytopathologist (plant diseases) doing his professorship, habilitation, at the university in Hannover.  He was one of those pioneers who worked on genetic engineering, and later discovered apoplexy in apricot trees. 

Much later, he worked with major world-wide known pesticide and herbicide companies, at times much to the dismay of my mother, especially when he infected her rose garden to test out some of the 'remedies' those companies were testing in the research lab.

Well, I guess this is why my love for science is not so secretly hidden. 

I studied English Literature at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz, and later I earned two degrees (BSc. Hons. Psychology and MSc Business Psychology) at the University of Westminster in London. 

My passion is vibrational energy psychology (a newer disciple in the field of psychology) and quantum sciences ... and and joyful, enlightening, healing, and  uplifting mystic art.

In between I also studied theology in Hong Kong and became a licensed, ordained minister. Thus bridging metaphysics and science. 

Considering that I lived and visited places all over the world, I am a bit of a nomad. 

 I do consider myself a Global Citizen, who currently lives in London, UK, and now contemplating to also possibly live in the South of France with my two little Mi-Ki breed dogs, Pippin and Arwen, part time.  I'm also a grandmother of two adorable young boys who live with their parents (son and daughter-in-law) in Sydney, Australia.

My daughter and son-in-law also now live in London after their work life in Geneva, Switzerland and Montevideo, Uruguay.

Now in my 70's I continue enjoying my thriving online lifestyle business, my passion for travel, the arts, science, spirituality, metaphysics, whole-person functional wellbeing, philanthropy, exploring different cultures, and loving the good life with a touch of luxury. 

Apart from a wellness lifestyle which became really important after I managed to die and then was brought back to this realm of living (two heart attacks, one cardiac arrest resulting in and incredible NDA experience), I love acquiring more knowledge and experience in the quantum sciences, vibrational energy, and artistic expressions in my environment creating calm and tranquil ambiences and sacred spaces.

Oh and I also delight in culinary playtime ... conscious kitchen and mindful eating the fun way, including entertaining, and creating little special joys for others. You will find a fair bit of inspirations here on this site, if that is your 'jam', too.

Here I am with Arwen and Pippin, my little furry companions.
I love having fun with them on our nature trails and nearby parks. As little as they are, there are surprisingly good walkers!

I am considering writing some uplifting magic realism inspired feel good novels, although, with everything else going on here, that might have to wait a bit.

Meanwhile, I am a published co-author of an international best seller. It is a compilation of uplifting and encouraging heartfelt stories by a number of authors, a bit like the "Chicken Soup of the Soul" series. So, I am a co-author of that book. It's light and easy reading ... you may want to enjoy it whilst tanning at the pool ...

I am also passionate in training an absolutely amazing team of network marketing entrepreneurs. 

As essential oils are a significant part of this website, I like to invite you to enjoy the video below:


So, what brought me here to Young Living®,
         a company that is way more than just Essential Oils?

Well, first of all, it really was just the oils, or rather the quality of the oils, that drew me to Young Living!

During my time at the University of Westminster in London, I decided to link psychology with the study on therapeutic properties and uses of essential oils. It was here that I discovered that even the most expensive brands that were available at university did not produce essential oils that actually truthfully resembled the smell of the original plant. (God knows what else did not truthfully resemble the quality of a 100 percent pure, therapeutic grade oil).

I was/am clear on using essential oils throughout all my psychological and mental wellbeing support with my clients. I was/am clear on the fact that traditional psychotherapeutic  talk therapy was not enough to break through trauma barriers. Memory is held on a whole body cellular level, not just in brain circuits and the subconscious. Traditional psychotherapeutic talk therapy can run the risk of re-traumatising clients, by creating fresh neurological pathways reinforcing the old. I personally prefer the holistic whole person wellness approach with Neuro Linguistic Programming, Matrix Reimprinting using EFT tapping, Positive Psychology, Chakra Balancing, plus exploring the Quantum Field and Akashic Records.

It was only when I was introduced to really pure and authentic essential oils that I was satisfied to be willing to use those oils on my own family and my clients. 

'Seed to Seal®' standard which is a rigorous quality control standard to help ensure Young Living essential oils and oils infused products meet strict specifications.

 Not only do they triumph in their organic bio-chemical purity and top therapeutic grade, but they are so fine in their molecular structure that they are able to permeate the so-called 'blood-brain-barrier' to give the necessary support needed.

If that was not good enough, those oils and especially their carefully crafted blends, grouping selected oil essences for specific benefits, have been tested for their energetic vibrational quality. For those of you who are knowledgeable about energy medicine and energy psychology, this is very good news indeed!

Apart from using the oils as a powerful support adjunct tool in my private psychology practice, I use them daily at home and when I travel. My grandchildren were raised on them from birth, and I happily use them with my little dogs when necessary. Plus, because of the alive vibration energetics of the oils, I also enjoy them as part of the more esoteric alternative health modalities.
To me, the oils of this company really resonates with my standards and values!

But, it is more than just Essential Oils ...
... it is a complete wellness lifestyle

Enjoying the worldwide community of wellness enthusiasts, especially those who choose to live their Third-Age with joy, comfort and wellbeing, it is wonderful to know that there are other products, most of them oils infused, that compliment a low toxin lifestyle of conscious living.

With well over 600 products, we are not short of choices. We have an outstanding science team behind each and every product. So, this just leaves us to choose what fits best into creating a conscious exceptional everyday ♥